
CUHK Convocation Outstanding Community Service Award - Call for Application

The College is calling for application for the CUHK Convocation Outstanding Community Service Award.  The Award is granted to undergraduates with outstanding performances, to encourage more diversity of student development, and to reflect the support and caring from CUHK alumni toward students.
Selection criteria:
  • Full-time Year 2 or above undergraduate students of any disciplines
  • Have records of active and enthusiastic participation and promotion of community service.
  • Have outstanding contribution to the community
  • Demonstrated outstanding leadership and organizational abilities

Scholarship amount: $10,000

The College will nominate ONE candidate to compete for the Award.

Application deadline: 19 Dec 2021 (Sunday) 11:59pm
*Students’ self-nomination will be channeled to Service-Learning Committee for consideration.
Ms Alice Kam (3943 3942/ akam@cuhk.edu.hk)
Miss Kiki Chan (3943 3935/ kikiwkchan@cuhk.edu.hk)