College General Education Programme (Entry after 2024)

Programme Structure with effect from the 2024 entry

- Cantonese-speaking students -

In the first year course GEYS1010 - 'Creative Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development', students would be introduced the many faces of society, explore ways to benefit the community and contribute to a sustainable future in creative ways through workshops. After four years of enrichment in the non-credit bearing course GEYS1000 - 'College Assembly/ College Forum' which offers academic activities including College Assemblies, Forums and High/Round Table Lunches/Dinners, students would form groups in GEYS4011 - 'Social Responsibility through Community Engagement' to engage in their own service projects by deciding their intended service users, approach NGOs, design and implement 13-hour service-learning activities. Students will then reflect upon their programme and experience after the service. The College also offers other noncredit bearing General Education activities, such as talks, service-learning, student-initiated activities etc, to let students take part actively in learning activities based on the College motto 'Scholarship and Perseverance' and the mission 'Entrepreneurial Spirit with Social Responsibility'. 

- Non-Cantonese speaking students -

Students who do not understand Cantonese may opt for the English-based courses: ELTU2008 - 'Service-learning: The Spirit of Hong Kong' and GEYS4010 - ‘College Senior Seminar’.

In ELTU2008 - 'Service-learning: The Spirit of Hong Kong', students would have the opportunity to holistically participate and ethically discuss a wide range of social issues in Hong Kong, and understand Hong Kong’s diverse culture, social issues and history. Their understanding towards Hong Kong will also be enhanced in the noncredit bearing General Education course GEYS1000 - 'College Assembly/ College Forum', offering activities like such as College Assemblies, Forums and High/Round Table Lunches/Dinners. They may also take part in talks, service-learning, student-initiated activities etc. to enrich their knowledge and experience. With the knowledge cumulated throughout the years, students will form groups in the GEYS4010 - ‘College Senior Seminar’ to design and plan innovative social ventures that promise to bring social benefits to the community.



Course List


Cantonese course package

GEYS1010 - Creative Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development (for year 1 students)

The first year courseCreative Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development' comprises four components: (1) Our Roles for a Sustainable Future; (2) Sustainable Development for Our Future; (3) Sustainable Development of Cities and Communities to Ensure Good Health and Well-being; (4) Creativity and Design Thinking for a Sustainable Future.

GEYS4011 - Social Responsibility through Community Engagement (for students of year 3 or 4)

Students will form groups and reach out to non-government organizations to plan and conduct a service-learning project, where they would be able to reflect upon their roles in the community and contribute to the greater good.


English course package

ELTU2008 - Service-learning: The Spirit of Hong Kong (for year 1 students)

Service-learning: The Spirit of Hong Kong is offered by the English Language Teaching Unit. Through engaging in local services, students would have the opportunity to holistically participate and ethically discuss a wide range of social issues in Hong Kong, and understand Hong Kong’s diverse culture, social issues and history.

GEYS4010 - College Senior Seminar (for year 4 students)

In 'College Senior Seminar', students have to design and plan, in small groups, innovative social ventures that promise to bring social benefits to the community.


Non Credit-bearing

GEYS1000 - College Assembly/ College Forum (all years)

All students are required to attend (1) one College Assembly and (2) one College Forum / Round Table Lunch or Dinner each term so that they have more opportunities to interact with distinguished speakers from different professions and academic disciplines. Details could be found in the College Assembly Page.

Students should register one College Forum / Round Table Lunch or Dinner each term. Please visit the College Forum Page for details and registration.

Students are welcome to attend more than one College forum. Interested students please contact the College Office at 3943 9774 or via email at