V’air Hong Kong is a non-profit organization established by our College students, who are passionate about local tourism as means to mitigate climate change. V’air creates an online platform (www.vairhk.com) showcasing local attractions in Hong Kong with articles on environmental conservation.
V’air won the first prize in HK Tertiary Schools COP21 Challenge 2015. The project was further supported by the College’s “Sunny Passion Programme 2016” and “Dorsett Young Entrepreneur Scholarship 2018”. Having a wide media coverage, V’air team was invited by a publisher to issue a book named “Low Carbon Tours”. V’air also won “The Sustainable Development Promotion Award for Students of Higher Education Institutions”, organized by Environment Bureau of HKSAR in 2019.
V’air is now registered as a company and keeps engaging the tertiary students for running various projects. Quite a number of our college students are the active members of V’air team.
Media Coverage
RTHK FM926 大氣候: 2021天氣展望 / 可持續發言 (Chinese Only)
TVB 83 無綫新聞台 - 行行有好景 (Chinese Only)
Sky Post: 90後力推本地遊 發掘世外桃源 (Chinese Only)
The Standard: Go Green by Staying Home
東網 on.cc: 大學生身體力行 推廣本地低碳遊 (Chinese Only)
HK01: 中大生開網站推本地深度遊獲書商青睞 冀港人棄外遊減碳排放 (Chinese Only)
Ming Pao: 明報綠色生活﹕低碳旅遊網站 唔使飛遊香港 睇世界級風景 (Chinese Only)
MetroPop: 中庸之道 (Chinese Only)
CUHK Newsletter: Enjoy Local Travel