Reaching Out Award 2024/25 Now Open for Application

Wu Yee Sun College full-time undergraduate students are now invited to apply for the Reaching Out Award (ROA) 2024/25 offered by the HKSAR Government. These awards, in the amount of HK$10,000 each, aim to support students to participate in events/competitions (e.g. conferences/forums/workshops/seminars/training camps/competitions/service projects etc.), internships or placements (credit-bearing/non-credit bearing), field/study trips or courses (e.g. foreign language immersion programmes/academic exchange programmes etc.)  which are conducted outside Hong Kong during the academic year 2024/25 (1 September 2024 – 31 August 2025).

Selection Criteria:

  • Applicants should be full-time undergraduate students
  • The outreach activities should be conducted outside Hong Kong (online/remote outreach activities are not eligible), either organized or endorsed by the university
  • No restriction on the duration of the outreach activities but must take place from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025
  • Year 1 applicants must have good academic results during secondary education and in public examinations; Year 2 or above applicants must have attained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above up to the summer session of 2023/24 academic year (if cumulative GPA is not available, a GPA equivalent of 3.0 or above in 2023/24 academic year is required)
  • Preference is given to local students
  • Financial need may also be considered
  • Applicants can apply for ONE activity only
  • Each ROA awardee is required to submit a reflection report within one month of completion of the outreach activity following the Guidelines and Templates provided by the Education Bureau
  • Students can only be awarded once throughout the entire study programme

Supporting Documents Required (Printed on both sides):

  • A completed Resume Form for this year
    1. Printed on BOTH SIDES
    2. The resume form should be TYPED and SIGNED. Handwritten form will NOT be accepted
    3. E-signature is acceptable but simply typing the name in the signature field is not acceptable
  • Proof of Academic Results
    1. For Year 1 applicants: copies of public examination reports (e.g. HKDSE, IB, GCE etc.)
    2. For Year 2 or above applicants: unofficial transcript downloaded from CUSIS (issue date on or after 1 October 2024) on current programme up to academic year 2023/24, including summer term (if any); Copies of academic transcripts with Explanation Notes of Grading System on an Exchange Programme (if any)
  • Information on the outreach activity
    1. Poster, leaflet, email, etc. issued by the organizer (Highlight the relevant information if the documentary reference included other information)
    2. Proof on the official period of the outreach activity
    3. Proof on successful admission/enrolment into the outreach activity (e.g. letter of confirmation/email notification, etc.) for those nominees who have successfully been admitted/enrolled into the said activity
  • A Reflection Report if the nominee has already completed the outreach activity at the time of application

Interested students please submit the Resume Form together with the required documents to College Office (G03, East Block, Wu Yee Sun College) as well as upload the Resume Form to the designated location on or before 5:00pm, Monday, 27 January 2025. Incomplete forms and late applications will not be accepted. Successful applicants will receive notification via CUHK @link email by the end of June 2025.

Enquiries: Ms. Stephanie Leung ( / 3943 9773)