“No Story Is Too Minor To Tell” Exhibition by Since a zine… - Be Entrepreneur! Funding Scheme

Recognized by the Be Entrepreneur! Funding Scheme, our student, 鄭雪瑩TSANG Suet Ying, Anny (SOCIN/4), presents “No Story Is Too Minor To Tell” from her recent project, titled Since a zine… .


This meaningful exhibition showcases the life stories of different individuals who were recently a part of her project, allowing them to convey their struggles as modern youths and further uncovering the meaning of life. Through the zine-making process, individuals revisit the handmaking process of using craft paper, hand-writings and colour pens to dive into the process of narrating their identity, freely expressing themselves and achieving a sense of “flow”. The project is inspired by storytelling and the words of the well-known philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how”.


We invite everyone to visit the College Gallery from 6 May (Mon) to 16 May (Thu) to share this important experience of self-empowerment and further promoting a healthy mental well-being for our youths.


Enquiries: Ms. Elisha Yting (elishayting@cuhk.edu.hk / 3943 9767)