Scholarships and Financial Aid


Academic excellence, outstanding performance in creative sphere, social endeavours, arts and sports


Various types of Scholarships and Financial Aid


Around 50% of students can receive different kinds of scholarships and financial aid.

  • All
  • Sort by Deadline
  • Sort by Type
  • < one week
  • < one month
  • < three months
  • > three months
  • Soon to be opened
  • Expired
  • Admission Scholarships
  • Scholarships for Academic Excellence
  • Awards for Creativity, Student Development and Talents
  • Student Exchange Scholarships & Awards
  • Grants and Financial Aid
  • Other Awards

Scholarships for Academic Excellence

Admission Scholarships

Awards for Creativity, Student Development and Talents

Student Exchange Scholarships & Awards

Grants and Financial Aid

Other Awards

Scholarship/ Award
Amount for Each
Application Method
to top

Term-long Exchange Scholarship

HK $2,000 - $10,800

Students participating in Term-long Exchange Programmes (excluding summer semester exchange programmes) are eligible to apply for College Term-long Exchange Scholarship. The scholarship given would be named as either of the follows.

  • Choi Park Lai Yan Chak Scholarship
  • CMB Wing Lung Bank Scholarship
  • Mr and Mrs Ko Scholarship
  • Wong Ka Wai Exchange Scholarships
  • Scholarship for Semester Exchange Programmes



a) Term-long Exchange Programmes Organized by College

Students participating in the Term-long Exchange Programme of Wu Yee Sun College can indicate their will of application in the College Term-long Exchange Programme Application Form. Applicants will go through selection, including interview, of the Term-long Exchange Programme and exchange scholarship altogether.

b) Term-long Exchange Programmes Organized by Other Units (Non-College Programmes)

Students participating in the Term-long Exchange Programme organized by any unit other than the College will need to apply for exchange scholarship separately, by filling in the online application form. Application details will be sent to students via email in due course.

Applicants need not attend interview. The application result will be determined by the selection panel according to the application documents submitted and the content on the application form. 


(Students with financial need may also apply for the Exchange and Travel Grant/ Loan)


Exchange Scholarship to Mount Allison University

HK $50,000

Student who is selected to go to Mount Allison University in Canada for term exchange will be awarded this scholarship automatically. No additional application is required.


01) Non-JUPAS (local) - Admission Scholarship for Distinguished Freshman

HK $20,000

Non-JUPAS (local)

  • Freshmen receiving CUHK’s Full-tuition Admission Scholarships

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

Other Admission Offers

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

  • Guaranteed hostel place for 2 years of study

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


02) Non-JUPAS (local) - Admission Scholarship for Distinguished Freshman

HK $10,000

Non-JUPAS (local)


  • Freshmen receiving CUHK’s Half-tuition Admission Scholarships

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference


Other Admission Offer

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


03) Non-JUPAS (local) - Admission Scholarship for Academic Excellence

HK $5,000

Non-JUPAS (local)

  • Freshmen receiving other CUHK’s Admission Scholarships (except Full-tuition/ Half-tuition Scholarships)

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference


Other Admission Offer

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


04) Non-local (other regions) & Mainland - Admission Scholarship for Distinguished Freshman

HK $20,000

Non-local (other regions) & Mainland

  • Freshmen receiving CUHK’s Full-tuition Admission Scholarships

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

Other Admission Offers

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

  • Guaranteed hostel place for 4 years of study

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


05) Non-local (other regions) & Mainland - Admission Scholarship for Distinguished Freshman

HK $10,000

Non-local (other regions) & Mainland

  • Freshmen receiving CUHK’s Half-tuition Admission Scholarships

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

Other Admission Offer

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


06) Non-local (other regions) & Mainland - Admission Scholarship for Academic Excellence

HK $5,000

Non-local (other regions) & Mainland


  • Freshmen receiving other CUHK’s Admission Scholarships (except Full-tuition/ Half-tuition Scholarships)


  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference


Other Admission Offer

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000


This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


08) The “Sunny” Award

HK$15,000 / HK$10,000

JUPAS/ Non-JUPAS (local)/ Non-local (other regions) & Mainland

  • College freshmen with positive attitude and achievements demonstrating entrepreneurial spirit (i.e. creativity, passion and vision) or social responsibility

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

This Award is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Application Period
Application closed


09) Admission Scholarship for Outstanding Athletic Achievements

Max. HK$20,000

JUPAS/ Non-JUPAS (local)/ Non-local (other regions) & Mainland

  • College freshmen with outstanding results in sports competition(s) within the past three years

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

    Other Admission Offer
  • Guaranteed hostel place for the first year of study


* Recipients have to actively involve in sports activities in the College and share their passion on sports with peers to promote ‘Sports for Everyone’


This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Application Period
Application closed

*Selection Interview not required


10) Admission Scholarship for Outstanding Artistic Achievements

HK $8,000

JUPAS/ Non-JUPAS (local)/ Non-local (other regions)& Mainland

  • College freshmen with outstanding achievements in literary arts/ performing arts/ visual arts/ film/ media arts/ music

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Application Period
Application closed


07) Dr. Sin Wai Kin Scholarship

HK $30,000

JUPAS/ Non-JUPAS (local)/ Non-local (other regions) & Mainland


  • College freshmen who demonstrate leadership potential and a commitment to serve the community during their university and secondary school studies

  • Financial need of applicants may also be considered

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference


This Scholarship is generously supported by Sin Wai Kin Foundation.

Application Period
Application closed


11) Dorsett Admission Scholarship for Hospitality and Real Estate Freshman

Max. HK$40,000

JUPAS/ Non-JUPAS (local)/ Non-local (other regions) & Mainland

  • College outstanding freshmen studying in Hospitality and Real Estate Programme based on academic performance and participation in extra-curricular activities

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

This Scholarship is supported by Dorsett Hospitality International.

Application Period
Application closed


12) JUPAS - Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship for Distinguished Freshman

HK$25,000 - $50,000 for each recipient


  • Distinguished Arts Freshman
  • Distinguished Business Freshman
  • Distinguished Education Freshman
  • Distinguished Engineering Freshman
  • Distinguished Law Freshman
  • Distinguished Medical Freshman
  • Distinguished Science Freshman
  • Distinguished Social Science Freshman

* HK$25,000 – HK$50,000 per recipient for each of the above programme


  • Freshmen of the respective programme with Level 5** in 2 subjects or above in HKDSE, and proven leadership in social services, or shown talents in creativity or innovation

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference


This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Application Period
Application closed


13) JUPAS - Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship for Distinguished Freshman

HK$20,000 (on top of CUHK Admission Scholarship)


  • Level 5** in 6 subjects or above in HKDSE

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference 

Other Admission Offers

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

  • Guaranteed hostel place for 2 years of study

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only,
interview not required


14) JUPAS - Admission Scholarship for Academic Excellence

HK$15,000 (on top of CUHK Admission Scholarship)


  • Level 5** in 5 subjects in HKDSE

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

Other Admission Offers

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

  • Guaranteed hostel place for 2 years of study

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


15) JUPAS - Admission Scholarship for Academic Excellence

HK$12,000 (on top of CUHK Admission Scholarship)


  • Level 5** in 4 subjects in HKDSE

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

Other Admission Offers

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

  • Guaranteed hostel place for 2 years of study

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


16) JUPAS - Admission Scholarship for Academic Excellence

HK$10,000 (on top of CUHK Admission Scholarship)


  • Level 5** in 3 subjects in HKDSE

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

Other Admission Offer

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


17) JUPAS - Admission Scholarship for Academic Excellence

HK$5,000 (on top of CUHK Admission Scholarship)


  • Level 5** in 2 subjects in HKDSE

  • Eligible for students who placed Wu Yee Sun College as their 1st College Preference

Other Admission Offer

  • Exchange Scholarship of HK$10,000

This Scholarship is supported by Francis Wong Hok Bun Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Academic-based only, 
interview not required


Lau Yiu Po Wah Scholarship for Outstanding Social Services

HK $10,000
  • College graduating student of the current academic year who demonstrates the most distinguished contributions in social services during his/her university studies


This Scholarship is generously supported by Mr. Sai-yung LAU.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


(General Education) Best Final Year Project Award

HK$5,000 per project
  • Given to the best two individuals/groups from all sections of GEYS4010


This Award is generously supported by Lui Pui Ying Scholarship Fund.

By nomination


(General Education) Outstanding Final Year Project Award

HK$2,000 for group project HK$1,500 for individual project
  • Given to one individual/group in each section of GEYS4010 whose project is regarded as truly outstanding


This Award is generously supported by Lui Pui Ying Scholarship Fund.

By nomination


Master's List

Honour Award
  • Top College students of each academic programme of each class, with current Year GPA not less than 3.5 

No application is required. Recipients will be notified in August 2025.


Academic Improvement Award

HK $5,000
  • Top 3 College students who have shown the greatest improvement in terms of Term 1 & Term 2 GPA of 2024/25 academic year 


This Award is generously supported by Lui Pui Ying Scholarship Fund.

No application is required. Recipients will be notified in August 2025.


Academic Excellence Scholarship

HK $10,000
  • Students with excellent academic performance – Highest Year GPA in each faculty (with not less than 3.4) 


This Scholarship is generously supported by Lui Pui Ying Scholarship Fund.

No application is required. Scholarship recipients will be notified in August 2025.


25 quota [Arts(3),Business Administration(4),

Education(2), Engineering(3),

Law(2), Medicine(4),

Science(3), Social Science(4)]


Wu Yee Sun Award for the Most Distinguished Graduating Student

Max. HK$50,000
  • Proactive graduating students of 2024/25 academic year demonstrating the College motto by participating in various activities to broaden horizons;

  • Cumulative GPA reaches 3.4 or above or Top 10% of the corresponding Department;

  • Outstanding contributions to the Department/ College/ University or society;

  • Personal statement of no more than 1,000 words (in English or Chinese) which illustrates his/ her personality and aspirations, and achievements in demonstrating College motto;

  • Letter of Recommendation by CUHK Teacher


The Award is generously supported by Lui Pui Ying Scholarship Fund.

Application Period
Application closed


Outstanding Athletic Achievements Award (Bronze Award)

HK $5,000
  • College students with outstanding sports achievements during the current year and contributions towards the College


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)

*Selection Interview not required


Outstanding Athletic Achievements Award (Silver Award)

HK $8,000
  • College students who participate in Hong Kong Open Competition(s)/ League/ Championship during the current year and have contribution towards the College


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)

*Selection Interview not required


1) Student Grant / Loan

Max. HK$20,000
  • College students having financial difficulties

For Grants, applicants must be local undergraduate students.

Student Grant is generously supported by Mr. and Mrs. John Lo Student Grant Schemes.

For Non-Freshmen:
Application closed

For Freshmen: 

Application closed



2) Hostel Grant

Max. HK$5,270
  • College resident students with financial needs

  • Applicable for local undergraduate students

  • College resident students who have applied for Government TSFS Community Care Fund Hostel Subsidy and/or CUHK’s Student Residence Bursary Scheme are also eligible to apply

Hostel Grant is generously supported by Mr. and Mrs. John Lo Student Grant Schemes.

For Residence of Whole Year & Term 1:

Application closed

For Residence of Term 2:

Application closed


Reaching Out Award 2024/25

HK $10,000
  • Applicants should be full-time undergraduate students
  • The outreaching activities should be conducted outside Hong Kong (online/remote outreach activities are not eligible), either organized or endorsed by the university
  • No restriction on the duration of the outreaching activities but must take place during 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025
  • Year 1 applicants must have good academic results during secondary education and in public examinations; Year 2 or above applicants must have attained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above up to the summer session of 2023/24 academic year (if cumulative GPA is not available, a GPA equivalent of 3.0 or above in 2023/24 academic year is required)
  • Preference is given to local students
  • Financial need may also be considered
  • Applicants can apply for ONE activity only
  • Each ROA awardee is required to submit a reflection report within one month of completion of the outreaching activity following the Guidelines and Templates provided by the Education Bureau
  • Students can only be awarded once throughout the entire study programme


Supporting Documents Required (Printed on both sides):

  • A completed Resume Form for this year
    1. Printed on BOTH SIDES
    2. The resume form should be TYPED and SIGNED. Handwritten form will NOT be accepted
    3. E-signature is acceptable but simply typing the name in the signature field is not acceptable
  • Proof of Academic Results
    1. For Year 1 applicants: copies of public examination reports (e.g. HKDSE, IB, GCE etc.)
    2. For Year 2 or above applicants: unofficial transcript downloaded from CUSIS (issued date on or after 1 October 2024) on current programme up to academic year 2023/24, including summer term (if any); Copies of academic transcripts with Explanation Notes of Grading System on an Exchange Programme (if any)
  • Information of the outreach activity
    1. Poster, leaflet, email, etc. issued by the organizer (Highlight the relevant information if the documentary reference included other information)
    2. Proof on the official period of the outreach activity
    3. Proof on successful admission/enrolment into the outreach activity (e.g. letter of confirmation/email notification, etc.) for those nominees who have successfully been admitted/enrolled into the said activity
  • A Reflection Report if the nominee has already completed the outreach activity at the time of application


Interested students please submit the Resume Form together with the required documents to College Office (G03, East Block, Wu Yee Sun College) as well as uploading the Resume Form to the designated location on or before 5:00pm, Monday, 27 January 2025. Incomplete forms and late applications will not be accepted. Successful applicants will receive notification via CUHK @link email by the end of June 2025.

Application closed


3) Exchange and Travel Grant / Loan

Max. HK$15,000 (grant) / Max. HK$15,000 (loan)
  • College students with financial needs who are selected for semester or year exchange programmes or going overseas for short-term activities / exchanges

For Grants, applicants must be local undergraduate students.

Exchange and Travel Grant/Loan is generously supported by Whole Person Education Fund.

20/8/2024 – 15/12/2024 (For Programme/Activities in Oct 2024-Jan 2025)
16/12/2024-13/4/2025 (For Programme/Activities in Feb-May 2025)
14/4/2025-17/8/2025 (For Programme/Activities in Jun-Sep 2025)

Download Application Form

4) Emergency Grant / Loan

Max. HK$8,000
  • College students with unexpected financial needs

Emergency Grant is generously supported by Mr. and Mrs. John Lo Student Grant Schemes.

Available all year round. Please contact Ms Connie Cheung by email at or at 3943 3936.

The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid also provides financial assistance to full time local students with unexpected financial needs, click here for more information.


Global Learning Award Scheme (GLAS)

The Global Learning Award Scheme (GLAS) supports students to initiate or participate in non-local programmes run by organization(s) other than the College with the main purpose of LEARNING (except for Term-long Exchange Programme). Applicants will be awarded the “Global Learning Award” and receive the award amount after completing all post-trip requirements on time. The College Student Exchange Committee will determine if the students can be awarded, and the award amount (if any). For more details, please visit the webpage of GLAS.


Award for Short-term Exchange Programmes (ASEP)

Only students participating in College’s Short-term Exchange Programmes are eligible for this award. In order to encourage students to participate in the College’s Short-term Exchange programmes, the College usually offers ASEP to the participants. Therefore, students being selected in the College’s Short-term Exchange Programmes will also, automatically, be granted ASEP as subsidies of the programme fees. Participants are normally not required to apply for the award separately.


Gestalt Music Scholarship

HK $5,000
  • Year 2 or above College student with very good achievements in music and making contributions to the College and the society via music


This Scholarship is generously supported by Dr. Packy P.Y. LO.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Lau Cheung Kwai Lan Service Award for Residential Students

HK $3,500
  • For supporting partial hostel fees of the College residential students who have financial needs and with good performance in social services


This Award is generously supported by Dr. Laurie Y.C. LAU and Mrs. LAU LAM Cheuk Man.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Lam Ding Kwong Scholarship in Social Service

HK $5,000
  • Sociology student of the College who demonstrates outstanding performance in social services.


This Scholarship is generously supported by Dr. Laurie Y.C. LAU and Mrs. LAU LAM Cheuk Man

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Social Services Award

HK $7,000 / HK $5,000
  • College students with active participation in social services


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)

*Selection Interview not required


Outstanding Artistic Achievements Award

HK $5,000
  • College students with outstanding achievements in literary arts/ performing arts/ visual arts/ film/ media arts/ music


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Environmental Conservation Award

HK $7,000 / HK $5,000
  • College students with contributions in environmental conservation


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Student Leader of the Year Award (for Freshman)

Max. HK $10,000
  • Year 1 College student who demonstrates exemplary leadership abilities in the College during current academic year


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Student Leader of the Year Award

Max. HK $10,000
  • College student with strong leadership skills, has impact on College community, and involvement in a variety of organizations and activities within and outside the College or campus during current academic year


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Outstanding Student of the Year Award

Max. HK $10,000
  • College student with outstanding academic (Year GPA 3.0 or above), extra-curricular and community service achievements during current academic year


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Innovation and Creativity Award

HK $7,000 / HK $5,000
  • College students demonstrating innovation and/or a high degree of creativity


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


College Services Award

HK $7,000 / HK $5,000
  • Students with outstanding services and contributions to the College


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 

(Online Application Form)


Outstanding Student Organization Award

Max. HK $10,000 (for use as organization's operational fund)
  • Outstanding Student Organization^ of the current year


^ Registered under College/WYSSU


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period

3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)


Outstanding Athletic Achievements Award (Gold Award)

HK $10,000
  • College students who participate in international competition(s) during the current year and have contributions towards the College


This Award is generously supported by Madam Ho Man Yuen Education Fund.

Application Period
3/2/2025 – 2/3/2025 (Online Application Form)

*Selection Interview not required
