College Members
Faculty of Arts
Professor Jannis J.Z. CHEN
BA Hons (NUS), AM (Harvard), PhD (Harvard)
Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Mr Bernd ESCH
MA (Trier)
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Dr Jose S.H. LAI
BA, MA (Syd.); GradDipEd (Syd. Teachers Coll.); PhD (Macq.)
Director, English Language Teaching Unit; Coordinator of English Language Programme, Wu Yee Sun College
Dr Lai-ling LAM
BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Dr Carolyn W.T. LAU
BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
Lecturer, Department of English
Ms Jenna Lara LEE
BA (Hons), MA (Rhodes)
Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit
Dr Shu-fung LEUNG
BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Mr Louis Jean MUNSCH
BA, MA (Mulhouse)
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Dr Elaine NG
Senior Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit
Professor Haihua PAN
MA from Wuhan University, China; PhD, the University of Texas at Austin, USA
Professor, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Ms Sehee PARK
BA (Soongsil); MA (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Stud.)
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Professor Jia TAN
BA (Tsinghua); MA, PhD (S. Calif.)
Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
Dr Yanne TSE
BA (PolyU); MA (CityU); PhD (Leicester)
Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit
Dr Alina WAN
BCom (Tor.); MA, PhD (CityU)
Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit
Mr Yao-hing WONG
BA (Maryland), MEd (UNSW)
Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit
Professor Ka-ming WU
BSSc, MPhil (CUHK) ; MPhil, PhD (Col.)
Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
Mr Ivan H.H. YUNG
BBA (HKUST), CELTA (Cambridge), MA (CUHK)
Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit
Faculty of Engineering
Professor Liting DUAN
BS (Renmin Univ. of China); PhD (Stanford)
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Dr Sin-cheung HO
BSc, MSc (Stavanger); PhD (Bergen); MINFORMS, MHKSTS
Senior Lecturer, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
Professor Andrew P.C. LOH
BEng, MEng (NU Singapore); PhD (Monash)
Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering
Professor Daniel Z.Y. LONG
BEng (Tsinghua); MEng (Chinese Acad. of Sc.); PhD (NU Singapore)
Associate Professor, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management
Professor Kong-pang PUN
BEng, MPhil (CUHK); PhD (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal); SrMIEEE; MHKIE
Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering;
Student Hostel Warden (West Block)
Professor Sadia SHAKIL
BSc (PU, PaK); MS (QAU, Pak); MS (UET, Pak); MS, PhD (Georgia Tech);
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, CUHK
Professor Sibo WANG
BEng (Fudan); PhD (Nan. Tech.)
Associate Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
Professor Qiang XU
BEng, MEng (Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecomm.); PhD (McM.); MIEEE; MACM
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Professor Scott W. YUAN
BEng, MPhil (Shanghai for Sci. & Tech.); PhD (CUHK); MOSA, MSPIE, MIEEE
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Professor Yuan Yixuan
B.Eng. (NWPU, China), Ph.D. (CUHK)
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Medicine
Professor Ka-pang CHAN
MB ChB (CUHK); MRCP (UK), MRCP, FHKCP (Respiratory Medicine), FHKAM(Medicine), FRCP (Glasgow)
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Professor Stephen L. CHAN
MB BS (HK); MRCP (UK); FHKCP; FHKAM (Medical Oncology)
Ip's Family Trust Professor of Clinical Oncology, Department of Clinical Oncology
Professor Peter K.F. CHIU
Associate Professor, Department of Surgery
Professor Elaine Y.K. CHOW
BSc (London), MBChB (Hons), MSc Clinical Research (Sheffield), PhD (Sheffield), MRCP (UK)
Associate Professor, Phase 1 Clinical Trial Centre and Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Professor Delon Y.S. HSUEH
B.S (NCKU, Taiwan), Ph.D. (NTU, Taiwan)
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Professor Jacque P.K. IP
BSc (Sydney); PhD (HKUST)
Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences
Professor Jimmy C.T. LAI
MBChB (Hons), MRCP (UK), FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
Assistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Dr Bonnie Y.K. LAM
PhD, BSc (NSW)
Scientific Officer, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Professor Thomas Y.T. LAM
RN, BN (Hons), MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing
Professor Joseph T.F. LAU
BSSc (CUHK); MA, PhD (UC, Berkeley)
Emeritus Professor and Research Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care; Director, Centre for Health Behaviours Research
Professor Louis H.S. LAU
Assistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Professor Eric K.P. LEE
MB BS (HKU); DipMed (CUHK); PGDipPractDerm (Cardiff); MSc (CUHK); FRACGP, FHKCFP
Associate Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
Professor Jack K.C. NG
MBChB (CUHK), MRCP (UK), FHKCP, FKAM (Medicine), FRCP (London)
Assistant Professor(Clinical), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Dr Chelsea S. SUN
BA (Univ. of Cal., San Diego); MA (Brown Univ.); PhD (City Univ. of HK)
Assistant Lecturer, CUHK Centre for Bioethics
Professor Simon K.H. SZETO
MB ChB, DipMed, MSc (CUHK); MRCSEd, FCOphthHK, FHKAM (Ophthalmology)
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Professor Raymond S.Y. TANG
BS (UCLA); MD (S. Calif.); DABIM (Gastroenterology)
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Professor Johnson Z. WANG
BMed (PKU), MMed (PKU), PhD (CUHK)
Assistant Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
Professor Michelle D. WANG
MB, MM (Sun Yat-sen); PhD (Pitt.); MASBMR, MAADR
Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences and Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM)
Professor Grace L.H. WONG
Assistant Dean of Medicine (Student Affairs-Learning Experience); Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Professor Jerry J.K. XU
MB, MM (Shantou); PhD (CUHK)
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Professor Joey Z.Y. YANG
BMedSc (PKU), MMedSc (PKU), PhD (CUHK)
Assistant Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
Dr. Tiffany T.L. YAU
Clinical Professional Consultant, Kai Chong Tong Clinical Skills Learning Centre
Professor Terry C.F. YIP
Associate Professor (non-clinical), Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Professor Baoting ZHANG
MB (Henan Coll. of TCM); MM (Chengdu Univ. of TCM); MD (Shanghai Univ. of TCM)
Associate Director and Professor, School of Chinese Medicine
Faculty of Social Science
Mr Danny W.T. CHAN
BSocSc (HKBU); MSc(ECom&IComp) (HKU)
Lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication
Professor Oliver N.K. CHAN
BSSc, MPhil (CUHK); MS, PhD (C'nell.)
Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Communication
Professor Jenna M. CHEN
LLB (NKU), M.Phil (HKU), PhD (HKU)
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work
Professor Nicole W.T. CHEUNG
BSSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
Professor, Department of Sociology
Professor Chi-yue CHIU
BSSc, MPhil (HKU), MA, MPhil, PhD (Col.)
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology
Professor Po-chung CHOW
BA (CUHK); MA (York, UK); PhD (Lond.)
Associate Professor, School of Governance and Policy Science
Ms Agnes Y.Y. LAM
Lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication
Professor Annisa C.H. LEE
BA (Houston); MA, MA (Dallas Theol. Sem.); PhD (N. Carolina)
Associate Professor, School of Journalism & Communication; Chairperson & Director of Creativity Lab, Wu Yee Sun College
Professor Patrick W.L. LEUNG
BSocSc, MSocSc (HK); PhD (Sheff.)
Research Professor, Department of Psychology
Professor Jessica J. LI
BMgt (ZJU), MA (UAlberta), PhD (HKU)
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work
Dr Yuen-hang NG
BA (Northumbria); MSocSc, PhD (CityU)
Lecturer, Department of Social Work
Professor Zheng SONG
BEcon (Shanghai Inst. for Foreign Trade); MEcon (Fudan); MPhil (Lond.); PhD(Stockholm)
Chair & Wei Lun Professor of Economics, Department of Economics
Dr Kwong-cheong WONG
BA (Lond); MSc (Manc); MSc (Oxon); PhD (Paris)
Senior Lecturer, School of Governance and Policy Science
Professor Mike K.F. WONG
BA, MPhil (HKU); MBA (HKUST/Northwestern)
Professor of Practice, School of Journalism and Communication
Professor Xiaohan YANG
BS, BEcon, DEcon (Peking); MAEA, MEFA
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Other Units
Dr Gina Y.J. JIANG
BSc (Tor.); MB (Peking)
Head, Technology Integration & Application, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Managing Director, The Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Limited
Doctor Michael C.K. TONG
Dental Surgeon, University Medical Service Office
Ms Samantha L.K. WONG
BA, PDipTran (HKU); MA (CUHK).
Assistant Director, China Engagement Office
Professor Jin XIAO
BA (Beijing Broadcasting Inst.); MA, PhD (Mich. State)
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies
Dr. Gina Jiang is the Managing Director of Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology and Head of Technology Integration and Application at CUHK, where she leads the strategic planning and the establishment of the groundbreaking Advanced Therapy Products GMP Centre for cell gene therapy in Hong Kong.
A medical entrepreneur that sits at the intersection of medicine, technology, and design, Dr. Jiang devotes her career in translational medicine and creating needs-driven novel medical solutions. Dr. Jiang has built a number of medtech and healthtech startups through working with venture capitals and leading interdisciplinary teams in Silicon Valley and Taipei.
Ms Wong is the Assistant Director of the China Engagement Office, CUHK. She has rich experience in serving tertiary education institutes in Hong Kong and in various units.

Email Address:
Professor Xiao obtained her M.A. and Ph.D. in Adult and Continuing Education from the Michigan State University, USA. Her research interests include education and training for human resource development in transition, economic effects of education and training, and policy analysis of educational reform in China. Professor Xiao received the "Outstanding Ph.D Dissertation Award" by Michigan Association for Adult and Continuing Education and "2004 Richard A. Swanson Research Excellence Award" by Academy of Human Resource Development. She has served as Guest Speaker for Tsinghua University, Editorial Board Member of China Association of Economics of Education, Human Resource Development Quarterly and International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology.

Email Address:
Honorary Fellow
Professor Rance P.L. LEE
Founding Master of Wu Yee Sun College;
Overseer of Wu Yee Sun College;
Emeritus Professor of Sociology, CUHK
Professor Rance P.L. Lee joined the Planning Committee of Wu Yee Sun College in 2007 to deliberate on the mission and vision of this new College, and was invited to serve as the Founding Master of the College from 2011 until his retirement in July 2017.

Professor Lee graduated from the Department of Sociology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Chung Chi College) in 1965. After obtaining his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in 1968, he immediately returned to Hong Kong to teach sociology at his Alma Mater. He became Chair Professor of Sociology in 1984. During his long service as faculty member, he took on many administrative duties on top of teaching and research responsibilities at the university: he served variously as Director of the Social Research Centre, Dean of Social Science, Chairman of the Department of Sociology, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Continuing and Professional Studies, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Physical Education, Chairman of the Management Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. The highlight of his services, however, was his tenure as Head of Chung Chi College from 1994 to 2004, in which he contributed much not only to Chung Chi College, but to the overall development of the university's college system.

Professor Lee was a pioneer in medical and health sociology in Hong Kong, and led many surveys on social issues and medical problems in both Hong Kong and China. As an academic, his services to the community included advising government bodies as well as other community organizations including: the Central Policy Unit, the Social Welfare Advisory Committee, the Research Grants Council, the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning, the Council on Human Reproductive Technology, the Health Services Research Committee, the Police Education and Welfare Trust Management Committee, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, the Release Under Supervision Board, the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council, and the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Panel. In 1992, Professor Lee was appointed as Non-official Justice of the Peace, was made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in 1997. He was conferred Honorary Fellowship by CUHK in 2010.
Honorary Advisors
Professor Song-hing CHANG
(General Education)
Professor Sunny K.S. KWONG
(General Education)
Professor Peter Y.K. LAM
Professor Hon-ching LEE
Professor John MINFORD
(Chinese Culture and Translation)
Professor Bernard Y.S. SUEN
(Design Thinking)
Dr Gilbert K.H. WONG
Professor Song-hing CHANG
Honorary Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Former Associate Head, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Chang graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and his research interests include dialectology, Chinese etymology and phonology, and Chinese fiction. Professor Chang has served as Dean of General Education and is currently Senior College Tutor of United College.
Professor Sunny K.S. KWONG
Former Department Chairman / Associate Professor, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Former Dean of General Education and Associate Master, Wu Yee Sun College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Sunny Kwong has been teaching in the Department of Economics for more than three decades. Besides academic work, he assisted the Department in its strategic planning, personnel decisions, manpower deployment, teaching and learning quality assurance, and student admissions. He served as the Chairman of the Department of Economics, Associate Master and Dean of General Education of the Wu Yee Sun College before his retirement in 2022
Professor Peter Y.K. LAM
Honorary Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Former Director, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Lam is an art historian as well as a museum professional. His scholarly works on Chinese ceramics, calligraphy rubbings and decorative arts are widely published. Professor Lam was awarded the Medal of Honour by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2007 for his valuable contribution to the promotion of the study of Hong Kong's archaeology. Professor Lam is also the Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Deparment of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Professor Hon-Ching LEE

Professor Lee received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Oregon in 1967 and taught sculpture and printmaking at the college level for about twenty-five years. He is serving as Art Advisor of Chung Chi College and United College of CUHK and has given invaluable advice to the Colleges on art exhibitions, workshops and visiting artist activities.
Professor John MINFORD
Professor, School of Culture, History & Language Australian National University College of Asia and the Pacific

Professor Minford is a renowned sinologist and literary translator of Chinese classics such as The Story of the Stone and The Art of War. He has held a number of prominent teaching posts in mainland China, Hong Kong and New Zealand, including those of Chair Professor of Chinese at Auckland University, Chair Professor of Translation at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dean of the School of Arts and Social Sciences of the Open University of Hong Kong and Professor of Chinese cum Head of China and Korea Centre of the Australian National University.
Professor Bernard Y.S. SUEN
Project Director, Center for Entrepreneurship,The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Management

Professor Suen has worked in the ICT industry for over twenty years with domestic, PRC, and international consulting and management experiences. He joined the Center for Entrepreneurship of CUHK since 2007 with a focus to develop educational programs in entrepreneurship for the creative and cultural industries and to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation, and technology commercialization.
Dr Gilbert K.H. WONG
Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapist, HypnoHealth Consulting Ltd
President of the Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association

Dr. Gilbert Wong was the former Chief Superintendent of Police and was appointed as a Life Honorary Consultant, Police Negotiation Cadre, an Honorary Consultant, Police Carelinks Cadre and an Honorary Hong Kong Police College Advisor in 2021.

Gilbert is currently the Founder and CEO of HypnoHealth Consulting Limited, founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association and Honorary Fellow of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention. He is also the co-author of a non-fiction book, “Who Cares Wins”: The Art and Science of Crisis Negotiation.

Gilbert is passionate in understanding the mindset of people and always identifies himself as a life adventurer, peace-maker, fear-buster, conflict mediator and relationship builder.
Affiliated Fellows
Dr Tai-keung KAN
Former Dean, Cheung Kong School of Art & Design Shantou University
Mr Sai-yung LAU
Executive Chairman of Union Alpha CPA Limited
Mr John K.H. LEE
Solicitor of Lee & Wu, Solicitors
Dr. Tai-keung KAN
World-renowned designer & artist
Former Dean, Cheung Kong School of Art & Design Shantou University

As a world-renowned designer and artist, Dr. Kan has earned numerous awards including the 'Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons' award in 1979 and the Urban Council Design Grand Award in 1984; he was also the first Chinese citizen to be included in the 1995 'Who's Who in Graphic Design' of Switzerland. He was conferred the Honour of Bronze Bauhinia Star and the Honor of Silver Bauhinia Star in 1999 and 2010 respectively.
Dr. Kan is actively involved in educating and promoting art and design profession and has served as Dean of the Cheung Kong School of Art and Design, Shantou University. He is now a fellow member of Hong Kong Designers Association; a member and the Chairman of Chinese Committee of the Alliance Graphique Internationale; an advisor of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department; and the Honorary Advisor of Hong Kong Museum of Art.
Mr. Sai-yung LAU
Certified Public Accountant
Executive Chairman of Union Alpha CPA Limited
Former Chairman of the Convocation of CUHK

Mr. Lau serves as Overseer of the College since 2016. He graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Chung Chi College) and is the sole-proprietor of Lau SY & Co., Executive Chairman of Union Alpha CPA Limited and Director of a number of companies in Hong Kong and overseas. He is a Certified Public Accountant (Practising) and member of several renowned professional bodies. Mr. Lau has over 35 years of experience in the profession of accounting.
Mr. Lau is also an advocate in education and community services. He is the founder of the 'Xiao Bian Dan Operation', Director of the Education Foundation of the Federation of the Alumni Associations of CUHK, Director of Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Charitable Foundation Limited and also holds honorary positions in various schools, charitable and non-profit-making organizations. In addition, he served as Council Member and Chairman of the Convocation of CUHK. Mr. Lau was awarded the 'Outstanding Accountant Ambassadors Award (2004)' by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) in recognition of his voluntary services with dedication, commitment and contributions to the community. He was also conferred Honorary Fellowship by CUHK in 2006.
Mr. John K.H. LEE
Solicitor of Lee & Wu, Solicitors
2017-18 President, The Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK
Former Vice-Chairman of the Convocation of CUHK

Mr. Lee graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (United College) with Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. He has worked for several leading financial institutions and insurance companies. Mr. Lee pursued further studies in law and obtained a Bachelor Degree in laws and Master Degree in laws.
Mr. Lee is now a practicing solicitor of Lee & Wu, Solicitors. He served as the 18th President of the Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK and has been the elected member of the Standing Committee of the Convocation of CUHK since its establishment in 1993. Mr. Lee is at present a member of the Planning Committee for Wu Yee Sun College, the Vice-Chairman of the CUHK Convocation and Council Member of CUHK. He also acts as honorary legal consultant for various social services organizations.
Senior College Tutors
Ms Stella M.C. CHAN
Professor Kwai-cheong CHAU
Professor Stephen W.K. CHIU
Professor Dennis K.K. FAN
Mr Louis S.K. HEUNG
Professor Sunny K.S. KWONG
Professor Man-hong LAI
Professor Albert LEE
Professor Diana T.F. LEE
Mr Philip K.H. LEUNG
Professor Terry T.F. LEUNG
Professor Hugh Alun Lloyd THOMAS
Professor Poon-yee TSAO (Penyeh)
Mr Hardy S.C. TSOI
Professor Hin-wah WONG
Ms. Stella M.C. CHAN

Ms. Chan has extensive work experience in government departments and tertiary education institutions. She currently serves as Member of Catering Services Committee, Campus Environment Committee and Working Group for Rance Lee Mentorship Programme.
Professor Kwai-cheong CHAU
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography & Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Chau served as Dean of Students of United College from 1998 to 2001 as well as Warden of Hang Seng Hall, United College for 17 years. He has also taken up prominent posts in community services such as Chairman of Country and Marine Parks Board and Deputy Chairman of Advisory Council for the Environment.
Professor Stephen W.K. CHIU
Chair Professor in Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, The Education University of Hong Kong
Former Professor at the Department of Sociology and Co-Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies

Professor Stephen Chiu research interests involve the sociological study of Hong Kong from a comparative and historical perspective. His current projects include topics such as education, social stratification and inequality, social movement, cultural industries, youth and traditional Chinese medicine. Many of these projects have public policy implications and he is also an active contributor to public discussions of policy issues through the news media.
Professor Dennis K.K. FAN
Former Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), CUHK Business School

Professor Fan received his B.Soc.Sc., and Cert. Ed. in Economics from the CUHK and HKU respectively, and Ph.D. in Economics & Finance from the State University of New York. He has diverse research interest including financial analysts forecast, corporate social responsibility and the development of China’s legal institutions. As a principal investigator/co-investigator, he received research grants of over $4 million to conduct research in corporate finance and marketing strategies. Professor Fan has published extensively in major international journals. He also has extensive consulting and executive training experiences with major international corporations such as Motorola, the Hang Seng Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and Bank of China (HK). He was a member of the Examination Panel of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange during the period between 1992 and 1998.

Professor Fan served as Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) of the CUHK Business School before his retirement in 2017, and is a two-time recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award presented by the CUHK Business School, for the academic years 2001-02 and 2007-08, respectively.

Professor Fan is one of the founding members in Wu Yee Sun College and served as College Fellow from August 2011 until his retirement.
Mr. Louis S.K. HEUNG
Former Director of Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Mr. Heung has extensive experience in finance and accounting and has worked in this field in Toronto and Hong Kong since 1975. He served as Senior Assistant Bursar of The Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1992 to 2007 and as Director of Finance of Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2008 to 2014 until his retirement.
Professor Sunny K.S. KWONG
Former Department Chairman / Associate Professor, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Former Dean of General Education and Associate Master, Wu Yee Sun College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Sunny Kwong has been teaching in the Department of Economics for more than three decades. Besides academic work, he assisted the Department in its strategic planning, personnel decisions, manpower deployment, teaching and learning quality assurance, and student admissions. He served as the Chairman of the Department of Economics, Associate Master and Dean of General Education of the Wu Yee Sun College before his retirement in 2022
Professor Man-hong LAI
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration and Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Manhong served as Associate Master (2020-2024), Warden (2020-2024) and Dean of Students (2017-2019) of Wu Yee Sun College at The Chinese University of Hong Kong before her retirement in 2024. She received Research Excellence Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008 and seven Faculty Exemplary Teaching Awards. Research interests: Educational Development in Contemporary Chinese Societies, Higher Education, Teacher Development, and Policy Studies in Education. Course taught: Policy Studies in Education, Educational Change in the Chinese Societies, Qualitative Research Method in Education (master degree program), Educational Reform in the Chinese Societies, Educational Policy and Practices in Hong Kong, Structure and Schooling in Education (PGDE program).
Professor Albert LEE
Emeritus Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Associate Dean of General Education, Wu Yee Sun College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Albert Lee is a former Clinical Professor of School of Public Health and Primary Care at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Founding Director of the Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion. He is awarded Emeritus Professor status from 1 August 2022. He is a Fellow, Associate Dean of General Education and Senior College Tutor of CUHK Wu Yee Sun College. He also serves as Honorary/Adjunct Professor, external examiner/assessor at many leading academic institutions in Hong Kong and overseas. He is elected as International Member of National Academy of Medicine, USA in 2012.
Professor Diana T.F. LEE
Emeritus Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Diana Lee is the Emeritus Professor of the Nethersole School of Nursing and Honorary Senior Research Fellow of the Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is a Justice of Peace and a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
Professor Lee’s research interests lie in the areas of elderly health care and chronic illness care. She has been honoured with the Excellent Research Award by the Food and Health Bureau in 2007.
Professor Lee served as College Fellow from May 2011 and Chairperson of General Education and Academic Affairs Committee until her retirement.
Mr. Philip K.H. LEUNG
Former Director, Information Technology Services Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Leung has served the University from 1981 and has valuable contributions to the College. He is currently the Chairman of the College Information Technology Committee. He has held prominent positions in the community such as Vice-Chairman of the Consumer Council, and was awarded Medal of Honour (榮譽勳章) by HKSAR Government in July 2018.
Professor Terry T.F. Leung
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Social Work

Professor Terry Leung currently serves as Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work. She is a registered social worker since 1997. She received her Doctorate of Philosophy degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2006.
Professor Hugh Alun Lloyd THOMAS
Former Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Thomas co-founded in 2004 the CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship, where he served as Director for five years and later as Associate Director. He has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Alberta, Postgraduate Diplomas in language and history from the Beijing Language and Culture University and Nanjing University respectively, an MBA from CUHK and a PhD in International Business and Finance from New York University. Professor Thomas has published numerous books, articles and cases in banking, finance and entrepreneurship. In 1980, he participated in founding the National Center for Industrial Science and Technology Management at Dalian, the first business school in Mainland China to be established after the Cultural Revolution. He subsequently worked in banking and consulting in Hong Kong for seven years. Prior to joining CUHK in 1997, he was tenured at McMaster University in Canada.
Professor Poon-yee TSAO (Penyeh)
Former Senior Research Fellow, Department of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Tsao received his Ph.D. degree in ethnomusicology from the University of Pittsburgh, and began teaching in the Music Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1982. Professor Tsao's research interests include ritual music of China (Taoist ritual music and ritual music of the popular belief systems of China's Han majority and ethnic nationalities), narrative music, and theory and methods of ethnomusicology. Professor Tsao also acts as research fellow or honorary professor for China Academy of Arts (Research Institute of Music, Beijing), Central Music Conservatory (Beijing), China Music Conservatory (Beijing), Zhongyang Minzu University (Beijing) and Sichuan University (Sichuan) and Xiamen University (Fujian). He has served as Editor’s Consultant for the international journal Musical Performance, and as a member of the Executive Board of the International Council of Traditional Music (UNESCO Category C).
Mr. Hardy S.C. TSOI
Former Arts Administrator and Manager, Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Tsoi studied theatre in the United States and had worked as the manager of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of the University for 28 years until his retirement. He has extensive networks in the local art scene and is the director of numerous drama performances.
Professor Hin-wah WONG
Adjunct Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
Former Professor and Chairman, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Former Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research

Professor Wong obtained his Bachelor of Social Science, Diploma of Education and Master of Arts in Education from CUHK before pursuing his PhD in Education at UCLA. He has served as teacher in three primary schools, two secondary schools, and teaching consultant at The University of Hong Kong, coordinator of the ‘Technical Assistance of the Education Component under the World Bank Loan Project in China’, part-time member of the Central Policy Unit, HKSAR; member of the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications, academic consultant and external examiner of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, Hong Kong Open University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, City University of Hong Kong. He has also served as Visiting Professor at Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Northwest Normal University, Southwest Normal University, and Capital Normal University. He has taught at CUHK for over 20 years until his retirement in 2008.
College Administrative Staff
Ms Yolinda C.Y. WONG
College Secretary
Ms Kiki W.K. CHAN
Executive Officer
Ms Connie C. CHEUNG
Executive Officer
Ms Karen S.H. SHAM
Executive Officer
Ms Sonia P.T. YU
Executive Officer
Ms Evelyn H.M. CHONG
Project Coordinator
Ms Jacqueline Y.T. LAM
Project Coordinator
Ms Michelle K.Y. LI
Project Coordinator
Ms Elisha B. YTING
Project Coordinator
T: 3943 3932

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Scholarships and Financial Aid, Student Admission, Mentorship, Alumni, Hop Wai Art & Cultural Programmes

T: 3943 3936

Student Exchange, Service Learning and Social Services, Internship and Training Programmes and College Anniversary

T: 3943 3935

Campus & Hostel Management and College IT Matters

T: 3943 3937

General Education, College Assemblies and College Newsletter

T: 3943 1882

College Forums, High Table Dinners, Language Programmes, Service Learning and Social Services Activities

T: 3943 9774

Canteen Management, Health Education and Sports Activities

T: 3943 3933

Creativity Laboratory, Creative Programmes, Funding Schemes, College Publicity and Social Media Management

T: 3943 9767
